Our Schools

Here at Mammoth-San Manuel, we have two schools that make up our district: one junior/senior high school serving sixth through twelfth grades, which also contain a segregated pre-kindergarten class that works with our dual enrollment CAC early childhood students, and one elementary school serving kindergarten through fifth grades. We are also proud to offer all-day kindergarten as well as an amazing special education inclusion program.


Mammoth-San Manuel PK-12 School

Community Schools

711 McNab Parkway
San Manuel, AZ 85631

PO Box 406
San Manuel, AZ 85631

(520) 385-2336

(520) 385-2336, ext. 1110 or 1111

Email Lisa Armenta, Director

Community Schools

San Manuel Unified School District #8 Governing Board of Trustees created the Mammoth-San Manuel Community School program. The program's purpose is to reach into the community and bring the opportunity of growth through learning and doing to all children and adults, and to make available the physical and human resources of the public schools to the community at large. For more information, please email our contact at Community Schools.