Arizona Tax Credit

The Arizona state school tax credit program is something we can all get behind! We win, and you win when 100% of your donation goes directly to the school and program of your choice.

What Is It?

Arizona Law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows married couples filing jointly a tax credit of up to $400 and individual taxpayers a tax credit of up to $200 when they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools.

Your contribution goes directly to our school, and we can even apply the funds to the activity of your choice. Your donations support extracurricular student activities not provided for under Arizona school budget parameters.

Who Can Contribute?

This tax credit is available to all who reside in Arizona and have a tax liability at least equal to the amount of their donation. You do not have to be a parent of a child in our school district to benefit from this law.

Corporations are not eligible to contribute.

How Do I Contribute?

Print the Tax Credit Form, and mail or bring it to our office together with your check made payable to Mammoth San-Manuel USD. Credit eligible contributions made to us from January 1 through April 15 of a calendar year may be used as a tax credit on the prior year’s tax return OR the current year's return.  

Mammoth San-Manuel USD
711 McNab Parkway
San Manuel, AZ 85631